Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1-50 Romantic ways to show your love on Valentine's Day

49. Propose.
48. Go on a picnic.
47. Explore your adventurous sides together -- do something daring that neither of you have tried before, such as bungee jumping or sky diving. The experience will bring you closer.
46. Designate a place as "yours" -- your favorite restaurant or bar -- and frequent it together often.
45. Volunteer together. Work side-by-side at your local animal shelter, nursing home or as you gather donations for your local food bank.
44. Take him to an art gallery or art walk.
43. Arrange to have a house cleaner come to his place and spruce things up! 
42. Introduce him to your best friends.
41. Walk him out when he leaves for work.
40. Make him a special bag lunch with a note written on a napkin inside.
39. Get him a subscription to his favorite magazine.
38. If he has a business trip, offer to drive to the airport, so he doesn't have to take a cab.
37. Leave a sweet note on a post-it on his car windshield or steering wheel.
36. Flirt with him unabashedly.
35. If he has been working out extra hard or dieting, compliment him on his weight loss or how big his muscles are getting.
34. Rent some silly comedies and spend the night laughing together.
33. Take a shower together.
32. Offer to shave his face or ask him to shave your legs.
31. Guys, offer to paint your ladies toes.
30. Go stargazing. Bring a bottle of champagne.
29. Try an activity that he loves, such as golf, or that she loves, like shopping! (No complaining!)
28. Get up early on the weekend and do some of the chores he has on his list.
27. Laugh at his jokes.
26. Compliment her on her new hairstyle, shoes, outfit, etc.
25. Frame a picture of the two of you during a special trip.
24. Ask his mother for the recipe to his favorite dish that she made him growing up.
23. Ask her father for her hand and his blessing.
22. Buy a little teddy bear to sleep with when you are not there.
21. Get her oil changed and her brakes checked.
20. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride. (Bonus points if this is at Christmastime or Valentine's Day.)
19. Buy her favorite chocolates and sneak some into her purse.
18. Buy him a new tie.
17. Iron his shirts.
16. Feed each other dinner. Or better yet, dessert.
15. Sneak a sexy note into the pocket of his slacks or into her purse.
14. Kiss him when he leaves in the morning and when he gets home at night.
13. Brag about him to his friends for something really macho that he does.
12. Tell her mother how smart you think she is.
11. Go on a bike ride -- extra credit for using a tandem bike.
10. Baby him when he is sick.
9. Leave lipstick kisses on the bathroom mirror.
8. Go to the park together (even if you don't have kids). Go down the slide, play on the teeter-totter and go on the swings.
7. Let him teach you a new skill.
6. Buy a little gift and surprise him at the end of a long week.
5. Go hiking together.
4. Take a trip to the beach.
3. Watch the sun set or rise together.
2. Share the morning paper and some mimosas over the weekend.
1. Grab him spontaneously and kiss him like you mean it.

Content Credit:

-Denea Duran 

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