Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tragedy at the Boston Marathon

Our thoughts go out to all of the victims and families of yesterday's tragic incident at the Boston Marathon. 

We also want to thank all of the emergency responders, volunteers and heroes who rushed to help in any way they could.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pizza Hut Supporting the Red Cross

Several local Pizza Hut restaurants are supporting the Red Cross throughout the month of April. During the month, Pizza Hut will be offering a special meal deal, where a percentage of sales will go directly to the Red Cross. If you’d like to contribute to the cause but don’t want the special deal, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase a “Heroes” point-of-sale poster for a minimum $1 donation. This poster will be displayed all month to commemorate your generosity. Be sure to dine at Pizza Hut this month! http://bit.ly/1164ghw

Monday, April 8, 2013

Get Your Ducts in a Row

Ventilation systems can often be the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality because many people allow HVAC systems to operate for some time without much attention or upkeep.
Your HVAC system could be circulation odors, dust and other contaminants throughout your home or business. Keeping the HVAC system and ductwork clean can potentially extend the life span of the equipment by allowing it to operate at peak condition, which can in turn save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.
SERVPRO will inspect your HVAC system and ductwork and make recommendations about the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns. Benefits of serving HVAC unit include:
-Helps to restore peak energy efficiency
-May help to eliminate offensive odors.
-Help reduce the potential for mold growth

For more information on duct cleaning or to set up a written inspection and estimate call 
SERVPRO of Cayce/ West Columbia and Lexington today at 803-755-9774

-Denea Duran