Monday, August 22, 2011

We're ready for whatever happens. Are you?

The best way to handle an emergency is to be ready before it happens. In no way does this require a worrisome worst-case-scenario mindset, but simply a few steps of preparation.








In the case of a serious emergency, you may be in a situation requiring you to survive on your own. It may be a few hours or even days until help arrives. This is why it is imperative to keep an emergency kit on hand in case of such an emergency. Here are some suggestions for what to keep in your kit:

  1. Water – You want enough for three days. Be sure to allow a gallon per person per day.

  2. Food – At least a three-day supply of nonperishable food.

  3. Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert – Be sure to have extra batteries for both.

  4. Flashlight and extra batteries

  5. First aid kit

  6. Whistle – This is valuable for signaling for help.

  7. Dust mask – This helps filter contaminated air.

  8. Moist toilettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation.

  9. Wrench and pliers to turn off utilities.

  10. Can opener – This is only necessary if you have canned food in your food supply.

  11. Local maps

  12. Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger

  13. Waterproof matches

*Photo courtesy of

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