Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun Friday: Winter Tips

I was just browsing around different articles and came across this very helpful article. I don't think it will get that cold in South Carolina but anything is possible. I guess it is better to be safe than sorry. Enjoy!

Betcha didn’t know…

how to ice proof your car windows. Expecting frost overnight? Just fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water and spray on your car windows at night. In the morning, they should be clear of the icy mess.  How does it work? Vinegar contains acetic acid, which raises the melting point of water – preventing water from freezing. What to do if you wake up to an already frozen car? Just spray the mixture on your window and watch it melt.

Betcha didn’t know…

how to prevent your car doors from freezing shut using cooking spray.  Spray cooking spray on the rubber seals around car doors and rub it in with a paper towel, “Doors freeze when snow melts into the seals during the day, and then freezes at night,” says Robert Sinclair Jr. of AAA, The oils in the cooking spray prevent water from melting into the rubber in the first place.

Betcha didn’t know…

this trick for de-icing your frozen car door lock. Just put some hand sanitizer gel on the key and the lock to solve the problem.  Why does this work?  Because hand sanitizers contain alcohol, the main ingredient in most commercial de-icers.  Just make sure to use a hand sanitizer that’s 60% alcohol.  Sanitizers with less alcohol than that won’t work. (And guess what…with less than 60% alcohol they won’t sanitize your hands, either!)

Content Credit:
Photo Credit:

-Denea Duran 

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