This punch was AMAZING … so good. Very refreshing, very crisp … perfect for a baby shower! I found the recipe on Pinterest, but here it is for y’all as well:
1 cup Countrytime Lemonade mix {or the likes}
2 cups cold water
1 can of chilled pineapple juice {46 oz}
2 cans chilled Sprite {or the likes}
Mix together and add lemon slices to make pretty … FIN.
Content Credit: http://www.froggyandthemouse.com/events/you-are-my-sunshine-a-baby-shower
Here's the method: All you need is a sharpie (any color) and a porcelain dish that you want to permanently alter. You can even use super cheap mugs from the dollar store to create gifts or party favors. Just draw on the surface of your mug and bake it for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Allow them to cool completely before washing or using.
Photo Centerpiece How-To... Disassemble three like-sized frames, setting aside their fronts and discarding their backings. Paint or stain wooden frames desired color; let dry. Upload or scan photographs into a computer. With editing software, make the images black and white, and resize them to fit your frames. Print them onto vellum paper with an ink-jet printer. Slip the images into the frames. Using cloth tape, hinge frames together to form a triangle. Stand frames around a candle in a protective glass holder.
Content Credit: http://www.weddingbycolor.com/soontobekelly
-Denea Duran
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