Monday, November 7, 2011

Marvelous Monday!

My deepest apologies for postponing Fun Friday (or "Marvelous Monday"). We will resume our regular schedule this Friday, which means that this week you get TWO extra special posts! Since the holidays are coming up (ready or not), it's about that time that a lot of you are taking your family photos for a holiday card. Tired of doing the same old thing? Check out these shots to get some unique ideas!

For the offbeat family, take it Jackson Pollock style and get a little dirty like this family did on their paint shoot.

There must be something in the water.

It's all about the angles. Or the diamonds in this case.

Try a different perspective!

Be sure to capture your good side.

Or try your hand at photoshop to let your personalities shine.

Aerial shots are a playful way to send holiday greetings!

Say it with chalk!

Or a sign.

A picture's worth a thousand words.

How about an action shot?

Go clean with all white (or neutrals).

Try a progression.

Jump around!

And remember, you can't have too much of a good thing.

Sandy Hayden

Photo Credit: Covered in Paint, Family in the Water, Diamonds, Boy Up Front, Silhouettes, The Lowe Family News, Family on the Ground, Chalk Tree, Balloons, Chalk Snow, Happily Ever After, A Family of Feet, Hanging Upside Down, Laying, Kissing with Babies, Clean Shot, Family Couch, Jump Around, Joy Series.