Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Technology + Hot Guys = Early Detection?

There's a new app out for all you iPhone junkies, and it might just be contributing to early breast cancer detection. Brought to you by RethinkBreastCancer.com, this app uses hot guys to remind you to check your breasts. Rethink's goal is to take self breast exams from being scary and complicated to a regular part of your routine--maybe even making it fun. The organization caters to younger women, stating that breast cancer support is not one-size-fits-all; their aim, rather, is to create a campaign that is "age-appropriate, lifestyle-tailored support for young women and their families." It only makes sense to target young women, as early detection is the key. In hindsight, it's a wonder it has taken this long for such a campaign.

So check out the hilarious ad for this app, and maybe consider warming up to the idea of regular self exams. SERVPRO warning: this video may be a tad too hot to handle (don't say we didn't warn you).

For more of Rethink's videos, click here and enjoy.

Sandy Hayden

1 comment:

  1. [...] least, comes ReThinkBreastCancer.com. (Name sounds familiar? These are the guys who brought you Your Man Reminder phone app.) Shop in their store and fund their organization, working to rethink the campaign [...]
