Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Educating Kids about Fire

Have you educated your kids about fire safety? Do you know how to talk about fire safety with your kids? 

Here are a few tips:

-Keep matches and lighters in a secured drawer or cabinet.

-Have your children tell you when they find matches and lighters.

-Develop a home fire escape plan. Practice it with your children and designate a meeting place outside.

-Supervise young children closely. Do not leave them alone even for short periods of time.

-Take the mystery out of fire by teaching children that fire is a tool, not a toy.

-Teach children the nature of fire. It is FAST, HOT, DARK and DEADLY!

-Demonstrate how to stop, drop to the ground and roll if their clothes catch fire.

-Show children how to crawl low on the floor, below the smoke, to get out of the house and stay out in the case of fire.

-Teach children not to hide from firefighters, but to get out quickly and call for help. 

-Denea Duran

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vandalism Damage

We want to equip you to minimize home injuries with brief tips that go a long way. Stay tuned for more tips!

-Hose or wash egg damage from building exterior as soon as possible
-Blot freshly spilled food from carpets and fabrics with a dampened cloth or sponge (but don’t overwet). Scrape and blot; don’t rub since it can damage fibers
-Vacuum glass particles from carpets and upholstery.
-Save containers that reveal the composition of spilled inks, cosmetic and paints.
-Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains.
-Operate damaged lamps or appliances.
-Discard wood chips, broken pieces from furniture, porcelain or other art objects.

For more information:

-Denea Duran

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fun Friday: Save your money $$

Do you want to save money and create your own cleaning products?! Found some great recipes to help you save money!  

12 oz. of White Vinegar
12 oz. of Dawn Dish soap
1 tsp. of Laundry Detergent

also known as "kitchen Magic" This stuff will get through anything, make your sink and shower shine like new, and save you when just about nothing else works. The laundry detergent is optional-I add it simply to cover some of the vinegar smell!

Window Cleaner

1 oz. of White Ammonia
4 oz. of Rubbing Alcohol
1 drop of Laundry Detergent
Fill remaining space with Water
 This is streak free, just like we like it. You can add a few drops of blue food coloring if you want it to resemble windex more (since it's mostly WATER), but there's truly no need~I've actually found I like this more than windex!

Bleach Cleaner

2 oz of Bleach
1 tsp. Laundry detergent
Fill the remaining space with Water
Because everyone needs a bleach cleaner!

-Denea Duran

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sea World Harlem Shake Video

What is the deal with all of these Harlem Shake videos?? This video was brought to my attention today and thought this might make your day a little better! Enjoy! If you have any other Harlem Shake videos you think I should see email me at :

-Denea Duran

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Truth about Mold

Mold occurs naturally throughout the environment both indoors and outdoors. In fact, mold spores could be found in nearly every structure in the United States regardless of how new or clean the structure is. That’s because mold in normal amounts is no more dangerous than dust or pollen. Even through some forms of mold can add value to our lives, other forms can be harmful. Excessive amounts of mold, different types of mold or exposure to molds may present health concerns for some people. If there is an ongoing moisture problem in your office, your home or in your customer’s home it is important to be alert for:

-The presence of visible mold.
- Strong, musty odors which may indicate mold is present
-Any evidence of past moisture problems that might have caused mold growth

These conditions may require the expertise of a qualified Indoor Air Quality/ Environmental Professional to inspect the building for mold growth and water damage problems. If you think you or your customer might have a mold problem, check out our website for more information or give us a call: 803-755-9774. 

-Denea Duran

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Does your business have an emergency plan?

Preparedness Tips:

-Designate an out of town phone number where employees can leave an “I’m okay” message in a catastrophic disaster.

-Have emergency preparedness materials, such as evacuation routes and shelter in place areas, prominently displayed.

-Ensure you have established staff members who are responsible for communicating regularly to employees in the event of an emergency.

-Talk to your neighbors about how you can work together during an emergency. Find out if anyone has any specialized equipment, like a generator or medical knowledge/ first aid training. 

-Denea Duran

Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun Friday: Video Fun

Happy Friday! While searching the web, I found this inspirational video below! So cute, you must watch it! Also for Valentine's Day we premiered a new video so check it out and leave us a comment!

-Denea Duran

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wipe your Valentine Blues Away!

1.Make it a girl's day. Go out to lunch with your girlfriends, have a cup of coffee and chit-chat bout boys, or do dinner with your other single gal pals. Valentine's Day shouldn't only be about couples – it should be about love of all kinds. And what better to celebrate than the love you have for your pals.

2. Pay a visit to the spa. We can all use a day of relaxation. Go to your local day spa, get a massage, sit in a whirlpool or sauna, and get pampered. After all, you deserve it. 

3. Forget what day it is. Hide the calendar, flip it to March, or just don't look. Valentine's Day is just like any other day. Just because Hallmark sells those cards with hearts on them for February 14, doesn't mean you have to participate.

4. Hang out with family. This seems to be a great retreat to any depressing occasion that you don't want to or can't partake in. Sitting on mom and dad's couch, for instance, will be so comforting. Top it off with a cup of cocoa and you'll just reminisce about the times you were young and could care less for Valentine's.

5. Find a last-minute date. Resurrect some names from you little black book and set up a date. It doesn't have to be a "Valentine's Day" date, of course. Just call your crush and ask if he's busy. If he isn't, offer up a cup of coffee – that's so not Valentine's Day-like, but at least you have something to occupy you for the night. 

6. Pig out.
 Go to your local supermarket and get your favorite snacks. Let yourself have all the things you usually feel guilty consuming, and this time, don't feel the least bit guilty. Just indulge! 
7. Go to happy hour. Odds are some of your coworkers aren't going out either. Not everyone is taken, and beyond that, not everyone celebrates the commercial holiday. Plan a get-together over the weekend with who's available and have some martinis.

8. Pick your best guy friend and make him take you out. Yes, I'm suggesting that you fake it. If you don't have a man at the moment, use a boyfriend doppelganger. You can still hit the restaurant and bars for the fun Valentine's Day specials, and no one will be the wiser.

9. Buy a new wardrobe. Retail therapy always saves the day, doesn't it? Get yourself to a mall and buy some hot new clothes. That way, when you do have a date, you'll be prepared and oh-so-sexy. 
10.Watch SoapNet. Nothing beats lonely Saturday nights than watching the Brenda years and old episodes of "General Hospital." Not only will you feel good that these characters have lives way more messed up than yours will ever be, some eye candy like Dylan McKay will cheer you up in no time.
11. Remind yourself that many couples are unhappy. Valentines, schmalentines – did you ever stop to think that a lot of these men and women out during the holiday may have lots of problems? Just because they're eating a meal together on February 14, doesn't mean they're happier than you. In fact, some are probably quite the opposite. 
12. Remember that being single is fabulous. Ahhh, it's the old age saying that us single gals say to ourselves when we're home on Fridays dateless. But wait, being single IS fabulous! There's no lying there. Who wouldn't want the paragon of choice and the endless opportunities? The world is your oyster.

13. Have a "Sex and the City" marathon. It's good to watch Carrie Bradshaw and friends on a holiday like Valentine's Day because you can celebrate your singledom like the girls on the show. Who needs men when you have fabulous shoes and friends, Carrie would say.

14. Eat some ice cream. No, it doesn't make you sad and pathetic. It makes you awesome because you can handle the sugar and you deserve it. And don't get some sugar-free sorbet. Get the really good stuff – cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip, or anything from Cold Stone.

15. Be zen. You can meditate, do some yoga, or just sit in silence smiling. Refining your mind and tuning into yourself is just what you need.

16. Make yourself hot and hit a bar solo. Who says you can't go out by yourself on Valentine's Day? Make yourself look adorable, step out of your house, and check out the local bar. Sit at the bar, chat with the cute bartender, or meet someone new. Anything is possible. 
17. Read countless fashion magazines and strategize for your spring wardrobe. You can make Valentine's Day a productive one by planning what you're going to wear when spring hits. It's only a month or so away!

18. Throw an anti-Valentine's Day party. Invite all of your friends who are against the Hallmark holiday over to your house. Serve drinks like It's-Great-Being-Single martinis and Solo-and-Fabulous margaritas.

19. Give yourself a makeover. Maybe it's not Valentine's you have an issue with. Perhaps it's you? Not to make you feel bad, but maybe all you need is a little bit of a revival? Plan for a new look. Get a haircut, style yourself anew, and change things up. 
20.Chat with other lonely friends online. Your computer is your friend. Turn it on and see who else is home on Valentine's Day. It's always nice to know you're not the only lonely heart home. You're not alone! 
21. Join You may not have a date this year, but you can start preparing for next year. Start online dating to broaden your options. Plus, you never know, maybe you'll have a date the same night so you won't be alone on Valentine's after all. 

22. Hit the gym. Since exercising releases endorphins, working out can only cheer you up. Perhaps there will be a cute boy at the gym without a Valentine's Day date, too. You can ask him to go out with you for a smoothie after your workout.

23. Pleasure yourself. Who needs a man when you have fun toys and videos at your disposal.

24. Go to a local restaurant with a girlfriend and laugh at the couples who are sitting in awkward silences. Forced romanticism is never fun, and odds are a lot of these men were dragged by their ears to this meal.

25. Eat chocolate. It has been known to cheer women up, which is why so many of them turn to it during times of turmoil. Indulge in a box of truffles or a yummy candy bar. My personal favorite are Hershey Kisses. What's yours?

26. Throw a slumber party. Go back to the time in your life where you and our friends would giggle about boys, not cry about them. On Valentine's Day, get together with your BFFs and have some fun. From playing silly games like Truth or Dare to making s'mores, this will prove to be more fun than an awkward dinner with a man you're lukewarm for.

27. Don't care. It's only a day. It'll be over in no time. Just let it pass by and try not to think about it one bit.

28. Stage a fashion show and photo shoot. It's good to feel pretty every now and then even if you're not going anywhere special. Beautify, put on something hot, and take pictures of yourself. It sound egotistical, I know, but you'll feel oh-so-fabulous afterwards. You can even upload your favorite shots to your Facebook or Myspace. That'll show the rest of the world that you could care less for Valentine's Day.

29. Read a great book. "Eat Pray Love" is my personal favorite. Anytime I am down about not having found the "right one" yet, I read it and it always changes my perspective. Find an inspiring book that will get you back to down-to-earth thoughts that have nothing to do with cheesy stuff with hearts on them and forced dating.

30. Book a trip. Valentine's is just a day, but if you book a trip, you can look forward to days of fun away with friends, solo or with family. That's way better than any day with candied hearts.

31. Enjoy yourself. No matter what you do on this day – or any day for that matter – always enjoy yourself. You may not have that "other half" that attached people have, but does that mean your life is any less fabulous? No way. To each their own, and love your life.

Content Credit:

-Denea Duran 

Monday, February 11, 2013

50 Romantic ways to show your love on Valentine's Day

99. Leave a little note in his briefcase or laptop bag so he will find it when he gets to work.

97. Plan a surprise outing! Start with dinner at his favorite restaurant, then reveal tickets to a show or sports game.
96. Take a hot air balloon ride together.
95. Surprise him with that special something he has been coveting (no matter how big or small).
94. Send flowers or cookies for no reason at all.
93. Take his dog for a walk.
92. Stock his fridge with his favorite beer and his shelves with his favorite snacks.
91. Stop by your sweetie's office around lunchtime with his favorite noontime nosh.
90. Take a drive together -- car trips provide some of the best time for talking one-on-one.
88. Give a back massage.
87. Offer a foot rub -- without asking for one in return!
86. Fill up his gas tank.
85. If he comes home after a boy's night WAY past the time he said he would, let it go. 

84. Make breakfast in bed.

82. Take a late-night, hand-in-hand stroll.
81. Sign up for a class you know he has been wanting to take together.
80. Make up silly nicknames for each other that you ONLY call each other in private!
79. Make a mousepad (or a mug or a calendar) with your picture on it for his desk.
78. Start a hobby together.
77. Do something nice for his mother, brother, sister, etc.
76. Let him pick the movie this time.
75. Make a special dinner for him.
74. When he gets home, hand him a glass of wine, sit down together and let him talk about his day.
73. Do chores or errands without being asked and without complaining.
72. Put the toilet seat down.
71. Leave a note on the bathroom mirror so he will see it first thing in the morning.

69. Leave a note for him to meet at his favorite bar or club. When he arrives, do some fun role-play and pretend you are meeting for the first time.
68. Wash his car for him.
67. Do his laundry.
66. Recreate your first date -- then recall all the feelings you had for each other that very first night.
65. Make a creative coupon book (free massage, free night out with the guys, etc.) without an expiration date!
64. Book a couple's massage.
63. Plan a romantic getaway to a bed and breakfast.
62. Dedicate a day to the one you love -- plan a day filled with his favorite things.
61. Plan a surprise party for him.
60. Send him a nice card. Even if you live together, mail it!
59. Take out the trash.
58. Buy him a calendar and fill it with important dates (our first dinner together, our three-year anniversary, etc.).

56. Make a big deal out of the holidays.
55. Scatter rose petals on the bed
54. If he has to work late, have his favorite take-out delivered to the office, and pre-pay, of course!
53. Have a talk about the future and let him know that he is a part of it.
52. Buy his favorite perfume, and simply put it in the medicine cabinet for him to discover on his own.
51. Declare a day of the week "your" day -- always spend that day together, even if you just snuggle on the couch together.
50. Take him home to meet the family.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Exercising Caution with Alternative Heat

Everyone wants to keep their homes and work space warm during the winter. In an effort to keep heating costs down, many residents and employees will turn to an alternative heat source, such as fireplaces, wood-burning stoves and portable space heaters.

When used and maintained as directed, these methods can effectively warm your home or office. However, there is also an inherent danger, as heating equipment is the leading cause of home fires during the winter months.

In 2008, the most recent years statistics were available, heating equipment caused more than 66,000 fires and led to more than $1.1 billion in direct property damage. Portable space heaters were responsible for nearly one third of these fires. Some authorities believe the public is at an increased risk of alternative heating fires this year as residents search for ways to cut heating bills in tough economic times. 
Please review the following tips to help minimize the risk for heating fires this winter:

-Denea Duran 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1-50 Romantic ways to show your love on Valentine's Day

49. Propose.
48. Go on a picnic.
47. Explore your adventurous sides together -- do something daring that neither of you have tried before, such as bungee jumping or sky diving. The experience will bring you closer.
46. Designate a place as "yours" -- your favorite restaurant or bar -- and frequent it together often.
45. Volunteer together. Work side-by-side at your local animal shelter, nursing home or as you gather donations for your local food bank.
44. Take him to an art gallery or art walk.
43. Arrange to have a house cleaner come to his place and spruce things up! 
42. Introduce him to your best friends.
41. Walk him out when he leaves for work.
40. Make him a special bag lunch with a note written on a napkin inside.
39. Get him a subscription to his favorite magazine.
38. If he has a business trip, offer to drive to the airport, so he doesn't have to take a cab.
37. Leave a sweet note on a post-it on his car windshield or steering wheel.
36. Flirt with him unabashedly.
35. If he has been working out extra hard or dieting, compliment him on his weight loss or how big his muscles are getting.
34. Rent some silly comedies and spend the night laughing together.
33. Take a shower together.
32. Offer to shave his face or ask him to shave your legs.
31. Guys, offer to paint your ladies toes.
30. Go stargazing. Bring a bottle of champagne.
29. Try an activity that he loves, such as golf, or that she loves, like shopping! (No complaining!)
28. Get up early on the weekend and do some of the chores he has on his list.
27. Laugh at his jokes.
26. Compliment her on her new hairstyle, shoes, outfit, etc.
25. Frame a picture of the two of you during a special trip.
24. Ask his mother for the recipe to his favorite dish that she made him growing up.
23. Ask her father for her hand and his blessing.
22. Buy a little teddy bear to sleep with when you are not there.
21. Get her oil changed and her brakes checked.
20. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride. (Bonus points if this is at Christmastime or Valentine's Day.)
19. Buy her favorite chocolates and sneak some into her purse.
18. Buy him a new tie.
17. Iron his shirts.
16. Feed each other dinner. Or better yet, dessert.
15. Sneak a sexy note into the pocket of his slacks or into her purse.
14. Kiss him when he leaves in the morning and when he gets home at night.
13. Brag about him to his friends for something really macho that he does.
12. Tell her mother how smart you think she is.
11. Go on a bike ride -- extra credit for using a tandem bike.
10. Baby him when he is sick.
9. Leave lipstick kisses on the bathroom mirror.
8. Go to the park together (even if you don't have kids). Go down the slide, play on the teeter-totter and go on the swings.
7. Let him teach you a new skill.
6. Buy a little gift and surprise him at the end of a long week.
5. Go hiking together.
4. Take a trip to the beach.
3. Watch the sun set or rise together.
2. Share the morning paper and some mimosas over the weekend.
1. Grab him spontaneously and kiss him like you mean it.

Content Credit:

-Denea Duran